Associations for Wagyu
Asociación Chilena de Ganado Wagyu (Chile)
Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Ganado Selecto de raza Wagyu (Spain)
Asociación Wagyu Mexicana A.C. (Mexico)
Associação Brasileira dos Criadores Wagyu (Brazil)
Canadian Wagyu Association (inactive)
Český svaz chovatelů masného skotu (Czech Republic)
La Asociación Argentina de Criadores de Wagyu (Argentina)
New Zealand Wagyu Association
Uruguay Wagyu Breeders Society
Wagyu aus Österreich (Austria)
Wagyu Breeders Association Ltd (British)
Wagyu Cattle Breeders' Society of South Africa
Wagyu France
Wagyu Registry Association (Japan)
Wagyu Verband Deutschland (Germany)
Australia industry, communication and information
Australian social-democratic government struggling in their referendum for Aboriginal 'voice'.
Environment, science and welfare
GlobalMeat: European Parliament votes to ban clones
Grazed and Confused - a response from the Sustainable Food Trust
Is a meat-free diet morally superior?
Is hydroponic growing really Organic? The dilemma.
It takes 21 litres of water to produce a small chocolate bar, 52 mL orange juice, or 160 g of uncooked beef. The Conversation.
Livestock: On our plates or eating at our table?
Methane emissions, Media omisions
Response to UN from Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, 11th August 2020
WHO does it again - guidelines "not supported by science" - USDA chief scientist
Why Australia needs biosecurity: Dr Gary Fitt
Health associations
National Heart Foundation of Australia
Health reports and opinions
11 health benefits of eating beef
AMI video: Why cutting out meat isn't healthy.
Do vegetarians live longer? Probably, but not because they are vegetarians.
Eating fat vs Getting fat - Gregory Bloom challenges guidelines
Famed vegetarian cookbook author Nadine Abensur now a 'born again meat eater'.
Media again publishes damaging false claims about 'Mad Cow'
Myths and misunderstandings about Omega 3 and Oleic acid in beef by Prof Smith
New study shows high protein foods (including beef) boosts cardiovascular health in women.
Research: Grass fed vs grain fed ground beef - no difference in healthfulness
Signs that you have an iron deficiency.
Study funded by WHO finds no link between saturated fats and ill-health.
What's the story with Genetically Modified Food (GMO)? American Council on Health & Science.
Japan information
Japan Meat Grading Association
Japan Meat Information Service Center - What is Wagyu?
Livestock Improvement Association of Japan
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Media and News
160,000 cage free chickens killed by eagles
ABC TV reporting lacks context again
African Swine Fever in China shifts global protein picture
ALEC slams RSCPA over 'shallow and misguided' campaign
AWA conference paper: John Condon reports on Prof Smith "Omega 3 and Oleic acid in beef"
Cooking the perfect steak by Adam Liaw - how often to turn?
Cooking the perfect steak by Adam Liaw - heat, oil, pan and resting after cooking.
Cooking the perfect steak by Adam Liaw - sear or fastest cook?
Growth factor production for cultivated meat production can have environmental impacts
How science continues to be stifled in nutrition guidelines in USA
Inconsistencies in draft USDA Dietary Guidelines
Instrument grading progress in Australia. DEXA. MSA or camera for marbling?
Iodine low in organic milk
Is ABC too close to Animals Australia?
Meat-free advocates are preaching a misleading message
Organic segment fails to maintain adequate price premiums
PETA's "Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine" only has 8% physicians in membership
Protein and haem vs non-haem iron
Response to UN from Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, 11th August 2020
United in beef - not grassfed versus grain fed
USDA assists farmers up to US$12 billion in response to damage from Trump's Trade Wars
Vegan has bacterial overgrowth in gut so has to change diet
USA industry and information
Beef USA: National Cattlemen's Beef Association
URMIS: USA and Canadian beef wholesale names
USDA Economic Research Service: Cattle & Beef